
Last week, to celebrate my acceptance to Innerspark and my brother's 4.0 gpa, I went to Le Grande Orange with the fam. The food was both was delicious and aesthetically pleasing. So I couldn't resist shooting some food porn:

They had Coke from Mexico; I guess the Coke there is kind of a big deal or something because they use pure cane sugar. Anyway, it was much tastier than your average coke.

Steak tacos! They gave you all these cute, tiny tortillas to make them with. Yum. God, I really hate that I enjoy meat as much as I do...

And for desert, my absolute favorite. red velvet cake. WITH Ice cream. Not much else to say there.

Anyway. Short post. Not very interesting. Eh.

1 comment:

  1. The food looks amazing.
    And this coming from The Vegetarian..
